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Cedar and Aluminum Raised Garden Bed

In March, we decided to build a raised garden bed in the center of the back patio, to give us a reason to take out the nasty, ancient rose bush that was there when we bought the house. That rose bush took a sawzall to remove - the 'trunk' was nearly 2" thick - more of a rose tree!

2019 Year in Review


We finally settled into the new house. We hosted a few huge parties (80+ people), attended 5 weddings, made dozens of charcuterie boards, and cleaned out a backed up sewer line 4 times.
It was a relatively light travel year, with most of the trips (and nearly all of the overnight trips) being for pleasure - mostly to the 5 weddings!
I saw a bunch of concerts this year, after making a determined effort to 'just go'. 4 of my favorite bands toured for the first time in a long time (over 14 years for Pigface!), so it was very serendipitous.