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1950s Hugos


Year Author Title Publisher Bought Read Kindle Hardcover
1953 Alfred Bester* The Demolished Man -


Year Author Title Publisher Bought Read Kindle Hardcover
1955 Mark Clifton / Frank Riley They'd Rather Be Right (also known as The Forever Machine) -


Year Author Title Publisher Bought Read Kindle Hardcover
1956 Robert A. Heinlein* Double Star -
1956 Eric Frank Russell Call Him Dead (also known as Three to Conquer) Astounding Science-Fiction
1956 Isaac Asimov The End of Eternity Doubleday
1956 Cyril M. Kornbluth Not This August Doubleday
1956 Leigh Brackett The Long Tomorrow Doubleday


Year Author Title Publisher Bought Read Kindle Hardcover
1958 Fritz Leiber* The Big Time -


Year Author Title Publisher Bought Read Kindle Hardcover
1959 James Blish* A Case of Conscience -
1959 Poul Anderson We Have Fed Our Sea (also known as The Enemy Stars) Astounding Science-Fiction
1959 Algis Budrys Who? Pyramid Books
1959 Robert A. Heinlein Have Space Suit — Will Travel The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction
1959 Robert Sheckley Time Killer (also known as Immortality, Inc.) Galaxy Science Fiction