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1970s Hugos


Year Author Title Publisher Bought Read Kindle Hardcover
1970 Ursula K. Le Guin* The Left Hand of Darkness -
1970 Robert Silverberg Up the Line Ballantine Books
1970 Piers Anthony Macroscope Avon Publications
1970 Kurt Vonnegut Slaughterhouse-Five Delacorte Press
1970 Norman Spinrad Bug Jack Barron Avon Publications


Year Author Title Publisher Bought Read Kindle Hardcover
1971 Larry Niven* Ringworld -
1971 Poul Anderson Tau Zero Doubleday
1971 Robert Silverberg Tower of Glass Charles Scribner's Sons
1971 Wilson Tucker The Year of the Quiet Sun Ace Books
1971 Hal Clement Star Light Analog Science Fact & Fiction


Year Author Title Publisher Bought Read Kindle Hardcover
1972 Philip José Farmer* To Your Scattered Bodies Go -
1972 Ursula K. Le Guin The Lathe of Heaven Amazing Stories
1972 Anne McCaffrey Dragonquest Ballantine Books
1972 Roger Zelazny Jack of Shadows The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction
1972 Robert Silverberg A Time of Changes Galaxy Science Fiction


Year Author Title Publisher Bought Read Kindle Hardcover
1973 Isaac Asimov* The Gods Themselves -
1973 David Gerrold When HARLIE Was One Ballantine Books
1973 Poul Anderson There Will Be Time Signet Books
1973 Robert Silverberg The Book of Skulls Charles Scribner's Sons
1973 Robert Silverberg Dying Inside Galaxy Science Fiction
1973 Clifford D. Simak A Choice of Gods Putnam Publishing Group


Year Author Title Publisher Bought Read Kindle Hardcover
1974 Arthur C. Clarke* Rendezvous with Rama -
1974 Robert A. Heinlein Time Enough for Love Putnam Publishing Group
1974 Larry Niven Protector Ballantine Books
1974 Poul Anderson The People of the Wind Analog Science Fact & Fiction
1974 David Gerrold The Man Who Folded Himself Random House


Year Author Title Publisher Bought Read Kindle Hardcover
1975 Ursula K. Le Guin* The Dispossessed -
1975 Poul Anderson Fire Time Doubleday
1975 Philip K. Dick Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said Doubleday
1975 Larry Niven / Jerry Pournelle The Mote in God's Eye Simon & Schuster
1975 Christopher Priest Inverted World Galaxy Science Fiction


Year Author Title Publisher Bought Read Kindle Hardcover
1976 Joe Haldeman* The Forever War -
1976 Roger Zelazny Doorways in the Sand Analog Science Fact & Fiction
1976 Larry Niven / Jerry Pournelle Inferno Galaxy Science Fiction
1976 Alfred Bester The Computer Connection (also known as The Indian Giver) Berkley Putnam
1976 Robert Silverberg The Stochastic Man Harper & Row


Year Author Title Publisher Bought Read Kindle Hardcover
1977 Kate Wilhelm* Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang
1977 Joe Haldeman Mindbridge St. Martin's Press
1977 Frank Herbert Children of Dune Analog Science Fact & Fiction
1977 Frederik Pohl Man Plus The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction
1977 Robert Silverberg Shadrach in the Furnace Analog Science Fact & Fiction


Year Author Title Publisher Bought Read Kindle Hardcover
1978 Frederik Pohl* Gateway -
1978 Marion Zimmer Bradley The Forbidden Tower DAW Books
1978 Larry Niven / Jerry Pournelle Lucifer's Hammer Playboy Press
1978 Gordon R. Dickson Time Storm St. Martin's Press
1978 George R. R. Martin Dying of the Light Analog Science Fact & Fiction


Year Author Title Publisher Bought Read Kindle Hardcover
1979 Vonda N. McIntyre* Dreamsnake -
1979 Anne McCaffrey The White Dragon Del Rey Books
1979 C. J. Cherryh The Faded Sun: Kesrith Galaxy Science Fiction
1979 Tom Reamy Blind Voices Berkley Putnam