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1980s Hugos


Year Author Title Publisher Bought Read Kindle Hardcover
1980 Arthur C. Clarke* The Fountains of Paradise -
1980 John Varley Titan Berkley Putnam
1980 Frederik Pohl Jem St. Martin's Press
1980 Patricia A. McKillip Harpist in the Wind Atheneum Books
1980 Thomas Disch On Wings of Song The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction


Year Author Title Publisher Bought Read Kindle Hardcover
1981 Joan D. Vinge* The Snow Queen -
1981 Robert Silverberg Lord Valentine's Castle The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction
1981 Larry Niven The Ringworld Engineers Galileo Magazine of Science & Fiction
1981 Frederik Pohl Beyond the Blue Event Horizon Del Rey Books
1981 John Varley Wizard Berkley Putnam


Year Author Title Publisher Bought Read Kindle Hardcover
1982 C. J. Cherryh* Downbelow Station -
1982 Gene Wolfe The Claw of the Conciliator Timescape Books
1982 Julian May The Many-Colored Land Houghton Mifflin
1982 Clifford D. Simak Project Pope Del Rey Books
1982 John Crowley Little, Big Bantam Books


Year Author Title Publisher Bought Read Kindle Hardcover
1983 Isaac Asimov* Foundation's Edge -
1983 C. J. Cherryh The Pride of Chanur DAW Books
1983 Arthur C. Clarke 2010: Odyssey Two Del Rey Books
1983 Robert A. Heinlein Friday Holt, Rinehart and Winston
1983 Donald Kingsbury Courtship Rite Timescape
1983 Gene Wolfe The Sword of the Lictor Timescape


Year Author Title Publisher Bought Read Kindle Hardcover
1984 David Brin* Startide Rising -
1984 R. A. MacAvoy Tea with the Black Dragon Bantam Books
1984 John Varley Millennium Berkley Books
1984 Anne McCaffrey Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern Del Rey Books
1984 Isaac Asimov The Robots of Dawn Doubleday


Year Author Title Publisher Bought Read Kindle Hardcover
1985 William Gibson* Neuromancer -
1985 David R. Palmer Emergence Bantam Books
1985 Vernor Vinge The Peace War Bluejay Books
1985 Robert A. Heinlein Job: A Comedy of Justice Del Rey Books
1985 Larry Niven The Integral Trees Del Rey Books


Year Author Title Publisher Bought Read Kindle Hardcover
1986 Orson Scott Card* Ender's Game -
1986 C. J. Cherryh Cuckoo's Egg DAW Books
1986 David Brin The Postman Bantam Spectra
1986 Larry Niven / Jerry Pournelle Footfall Del Rey Books
1986 Greg Bear Blood Music Arbor House


Year Author Title Publisher Bought Read Kindle Hardcover
1987 Orson Scott Card* Speaker for the Dead -
1987 Bob Shaw The Ragged Astronauts Victor Gollancz Ltd
1987 William Gibson Count Zero Asimov's Science Fiction
1987 Vernor Vinge Marooned in Realtime Analog Science Fact & Fiction
1987 L. Ron Hubbard Black Genesis Bridge Publications


Year Author Title Publisher Bought Read Kindle Hardcover
1988 David Brin* The Uplift War -
1988 George Alec Effinger When Gravity Fails Arbor House
1988 Orson Scott Card Seventh Son Tor Books
1988 Greg Bear The Forge of God Tor Books
1988 Gene Wolfe The Urth of the New Sun Tor Books


Year Author Title Publisher Bought Read Kindle Hardcover
1989 C. J. Cherryh* Cyteen -
1989 Orson Scott Card Red Prophet Tor Books
1989 Lois McMaster Bujold Falling Free Analog Science Fact & Fiction
1989 Bruce Sterling Islands in the Net Arbor House
1989 William Gibson Mona Lisa Overdrive Victor Gollancz Ltd